发布时间:2019-06-13 02:47:30
太原航空仪表有限公司隶属于中国航空工业***集团公司,是中国***家航空仪表厂,制造出******块航空仪表,拥有员工近3000人,占地60 万平方米,现已发展成以传感器技术、仪表技术、电子技术、网络技术为基础,以传感器与仪表设计制造为特色的现代新型高科技企业,也是中国航空机载行业的骨干企业。
Sailing into China ***iation Group: Taiyuan ***iation Instrument Co., Ltd. purchased ZJ-6 type d33/d31/15 piezoelectric tester
In June, Sunshine, our precision piezoelectric ceramic measuring equipment, ZJ-6 type d33/d31/15 piezoelectric tester entered Taiyuan ***iation Instrument Co., Ltd.
Taiyuan ***iation Instrument Co., Ltd. is affiliated to China ***iation Industry First Group Corporation. It is the first ***iation instrument factory in China. It manufactures the first ***iation instrument in New China. It has nearly 3,000 employees and covers an area of 600,000 square meters. It has been developed. Based on sensor technology, instrument technology, electronic technology and network technology, it is a modern high-tech enterprise featuring sensor and instrument design and manufacturing. It is also a backbone enterprise of China's ***iation airborne industry.
Like all other Chinese companies, Taiyuan ***iation Instrument Co., Ltd. is taking on the resp***ibility of our national rejuvenation and national prosperity. China Manufacturing 2025, global 5G c***truction is in full swing. China's "One Belt, One Road" requires us to conduct in-depth research.
We believe that our piezoelectric material testers, high-voltage polarization testers and ferroelectric testers, these scientific research equipment can help us material research.
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地址: 主营产品:压电测试仪,d33测量仪,精密压电d33系数测量仪,铁电材料测试仪,热电材料测试仪,压电极化装置,压电制样机
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