发布时间:2019-05-09 08:26:12
中国民用航空飞行学院简称中飞院(CAFUC),位于成都平原的***——四川省广汉市,是***部属高校,入选联合国***推广的“MPL”课程试点单位、四川省“双yiliu”建设计划。是***办学规模***大的飞行培训机构,是世界上规模***大的以飞行训练为主的学校, [建校以来,中飞院已为中国民航培养了70%的飞行员、80%的机长、90%的功勋飞行员和的特级飞行员,被誉为中国民航飞行员的“摇篮”、中国民航管理干部的“黄埔”。China civil ***iation flight academy (CAFUC), located in the hinterland of chengdu plain -- guanghan city, sichuan province, is a university affiliated to the central government and selected into the pilot unit of "MPL" course promoted by the United Nati*** and the "double first-class" c***truction plan of sichuan province. Is the largest global scale of flight training instituti***, is the largest in the world, which is mainly composed of flight training school, [since school, fly in the courtyard has been a 70% for China's civil ***iation training pilots, 80% of the captain, 90% and meritorious pilot command pilot, was honored as the "cradle" of China's civil ***iation pilots, China civil ***iation management cadre "whampoa".Recently, CAAC purchased ZJ-6 piezoelectric tester, PZT-JH10/4 piezoelectric polarization device and piezoelectric impedance analyzer. These devices play an important role in the development and testing of materials in the future.
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