发布时间:2019-02-25 02:10:07
Huawei: C***ulting and Purchasing ZJ-3 Piezoelectric Tester 华为:咨询采购ZJ-3型压电测试仪
华为技术有限公司是一家生产销售通信设备的民营通信科技公司,于1987年正式注册成立,总部位于中国广东省深圳市龙岗区坂田华为基地。 华为是******的信息与通信技术(ICT)解决方案供应商,专注于ICT领域,坚持稳健经营、持续创新、开放合作,在电信运营商、企业、终端和云计算等领域构筑了端到端的解决方案优势,为运营商客户、企业客户和消费者提供有竞争力的ICT解决方案、产品和服务,并致力于实现未来信息社会、构建更美好的全联接世界。2013年,华为首超***大电信设备商爱立信,排名《财富》世界500强第315位。
Huawei Technology Co., Ltd. is a private telecommunicati*** technology company which produces and sells telecommunicati*** equipment. It was formally registered and established in 1987. Its headquarters is located in Bantian Huawei Base, Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province, China. Huawei is the world's leading provider of ICT soluti***, focusing on the ICT field, adhering to sound operation, continuous innovation and open cooperation, has built end-to-end solution advantages in telecom operators, enterprises, terminals and cloud computing, providing competitive ICT soluti***, products and services to operators, business customers and c***umers. And we are committed to realizing the future information society and building a better fully connected world. In 2013, Ericsson, the world's largest telecom equipment manufacturer, ranked 315 in Fortune 500.
Huawei c***ulted and purchased ZJ-3 piezoelectric tester. Based on the wide application of piezoelectric materials in mobile interconnection and other fields, the company c***ulted ZJ-3 piezoelectric tester.
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地址: 主营产品:压电测试仪,d33测量仪,精密压电d33系数测量仪,铁电材料测试仪,热电材料测试仪,压电极化装置,压电制样机
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